Sunday, December 04, 2005


"The Yogi who is established in union with Me, and worships Me as residing in all beings (as their very Self); abides in Me; no matter what he does"


My Thanks & Acknowledgments

  • Lord Sri Krishna who is behind me to do this work
  • The readers and surfers
  • My freinds and relatives
  • Shree Ashok Kaushik and Shree Jayadayal Goyandaka who had written and published several spiritual books.


This English Version of Sri Bhagavad Gita is easy to understanding, You may know what Lord Sri Krishna has said in 18 chapters entirely by reading a chapter by 10 minitus for a day .

Remaining 9 chapters - X to XVIII


"The Yogi who is established in union with Me, and worships Me as residing in all beings (as their very Self); abides in Me; no matter what he does"

- Sri Bhagavad Gita 31/VI.